Jimmy Kimmel Nails Exactly What’s Wrong With New House Speaker Mike Johnson

The late-night host zeroed in on why Mike Johnson isn’t even the best Mike Johnson.

Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel is one of the many people unimpressed by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) winning the gavel on Wednesday after three weeks of GOP drama.

Johnson, he noted, backed Donald Trump’s plot to overturn the 2020 election results and remain in power despite losing.

“Also anti-gay, anti-choice, pro-conspiracy theory, he seems terrific,” Kimmel snarked. “Not only is he not the best choice for speaker, you can’t even definitively say Mike Johnson is the best Mike Johnson they could’ve chosen.” 

Kimmel then ticked off a list of better Mike Johnsons, from chefs to athletes to yodelers.

“You could go to the middle of the phone book and pick any of the hundreds of Mike Johnsons. Each one would be a better choice for speaker because not one of them tried to overthrow the presidential election,” Kimmel declared. 

See more of his takedown in his Wednesday night monologue: