October 20 Famous Birthdays: Snoop Dogg, Viggo Mortensen, John Krasinski (PHOTOS)

Snoop Dogg, John Krasinski & More: Today's Famous Birthdays

In a world with nearly 7 billion people, chances are someone famous is celebrating their birthday today.

And indeed: Snoop Dogg, John Krasinski, and more will all be blowing out candles today. Will it be your favorite TV personality? Maybe an important figure from history?

Help us celebrate the birth of some of the world's coolest people by taking a scroll through some of the most noteworthy birthdays of October 20th -- enjoy!

Click here for a look at yesterday's celebrity birthdays!

October 20 Famous Birthdays
Snoop Dogg(01 of10)
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The American rapper was born on October 20, 1971 in Long Beach, California. (credit:Getty)
John Krasinski(02 of10)
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The Office star was born on October 20, 1979 in Newton, Massachusetts. (credit:Getty)
Viggo Mortensen(03 of10)
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The Danish-American actor was born on October 20, 1958 in New York, New York. (credit:Getty)
Empress Michiko(04 of10)
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The Japanese Empress was born on October 20, 1934 in Tokyo, Japan. (credit:Getty)
Paul Wilson(05 of10)
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The Snow Patrol band member was born on October 20, 1978 in Kinlochleven, Scotland. (credit:Getty)
Robert Pinsky(06 of10)
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The former US Poet Laureate was born on October 20, 1940 in Long Branch, New Jersey. (credit:AP)
Dominic McGuire(07 of10)
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The professional basketball player was born on October 20, 1985 in San Diego, California. (credit:AP)
Jennifer Freeman(08 of10)
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The American actress was born on October 20, 1985 in Los Angeles, California. (credit:Getty)
Dimitrios Papadopoulos(09 of10)
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The Greek footballer was born on October 20, 1981 in Gagarin, Uzbekistan. (credit:Getty)
Willis McGahee(10 of10)
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The American football player was born on October 21, 1981 in Miami, Florida. (credit:Getty)