Actors Who Played President On Screen (VIDEOS)

WATCH: Celebs Who Played The Prez

In "The Ides of March," which hits theaters today, George Clooney plays Pennsylvania Governor Mike Morris, who is gunning for the Democratic presidential nomination. In the political thriller Ryan Gosling takes on the role of Stephen Meyers, an idealistic press secretary to Governor Morris, who is propositioned by the opposition's campaign manager to join the other side.

The film is all about politics at its dirtiest, since we all love a good political scandal. Will Clooney's character succeed in his bid for presidential nominee? You'll have to watch the movie to find out, but if you want to see Clooney as the prez, you can watch him as President Devlin in "Spy Kids: 3D."

As a rule, political movies are never expected to do that well at the box office, but as an actor it has to be fun to play a character with so much power.

Here is a list, that is by no means exhaustive, of actors and actresses who have played both real life and fictional presidents in television and movies.