Ben Affleck's Elizabeth Warren Fundraiser: Star Teams Up With Matt Damon, John Krasinski For Event

Ben Affleck, Matt Damon & More Rake In Big Bucks For Liz Warren
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Ben Affleck joins the ranks of George Clooney, Ryan Murphy and other Hollywood figures who are throwing their celebrity behind the Democrats this election season. The actor hosted a massive fundraiser for Elizabeth Warren, who is running to take Ted Kennedy's Massachusetts senate seat back for the Democrats from the incumbent, Scott Brown.

The guest list for the event reads like a red carpet tip sheet at an awards show, with "The Office's" John Krasinski, Matt Damon, Jennifer Garner (Affleck's wife), Reese Witherspoon, Zach Braff, Tobey Maguire and other celebrities in attendance. Unsurprisingly, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg and a host of other Hollywood bigwigs sent checks.

Sources tell THR that well over $250,000 was raised for Warren's campaign at the event, which took place at J.J. Abrams' studio in Santa Monica. Though it's a far cry from the $15 million Clooney and company raked in for the president, it will still bolster Warren in an already exceedingly expensive race.

Warren herself has been busy batting away attacks, including allegations of plagiarism. National Review Writer Katrina Trinko accused the candidate of lifting copy in a 2006 book, but Salon's Alex Pareene quickly debunked those claims by proving that it was, in fact, Warren who was the victim.

A longtime consumer advocate and legal scholar, Warren formerly oversaw the Troubled Asset Relief Program and helped create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She recently called for the immediate resignation of JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon from the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, citing his company's $2 billion loss as irreconcilable with the need for "responsibility and accountability" in finance.

For more attendees and details, head over to THR.

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