Imagine sending in your tape, making it through the first round of auditions, then showing up only to learn the lines you're supposed to read are part of taking away the rights of your fellow Mainers.
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Currently, Maine's anti-equality forces have been casting for "real Mainers" to play concerned citizens. But the sides--the script the actors are reading for the first round of auditions--being sent out to hopefuls have nothing to do with the upcoming ballot initiative to overturn the state legislature's vote to legalize same-sex civil marriage.

Instead, wanna-be actresses are getting a different politically themed 30-second script, along with instructions for how to record and email a video audition. One audition has been posted on YouTube, but seriously, it's so awful I don't want to embarrass the woman by posting a link. Just because you can carry the part of Laurie Williams in your church's production of Oklahoma! doesn't mean you have a future as a commercial actress.

Granted, the bigots paying for the ad don't want the actual script to get out, but imagine sending in your tape, making it through the first round, then showing up only to learn the lines you're supposed to read, the job you're getting $500 a day for, are part of taking away the rights of your fellow Mainers. That's pretty disrespectful.

And speaking of disrespect, it's been discovered--thanks to some clever sleuthing by activists who tipped me off to all of this-- that the TV ad isn't even going to be filmed in Maine with its beautiful shoreline, glorious forests and historical buildings, but rather in a studio in San Francisco--by the same folks who created the"Gathering Storm" commercial for National Organization for Marriage.

Kinda sleazy. But then what do you expect?

You can read the audition script here, which was a forest anti-preservation measure on the Maine ballot, and ponder if NOM can see the forest for the trees.