Top 100 F*cks In Movies (VIDEO)

The Best F*cks In Film History!
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With box office opportunities of the utmost importants, producers often work to minimize the foul language in films. The general rule, according to the MPAA, is that more than four instances of the word "f*ck" -- in a non-sexual capacity -- nets the film an R rating. The threshold is even lower for sexual "f*cks."

So, if they're going to go over the line and shrink their potential audience pool, they might as well make it worth it, right?

Thanks to an enterprising film fan with a lot of patience and a YouTube account, we can now watch some of the best instances of R-rated films embracing the f-bomb -- and we can do so in neat, grammatically-organized fashion. Mewlists put together this supercut of 100 of the best uses of "f*ck" in film, separated into categories such as "As a Question," "As a Substitute For Mess Up/Screw Up," "As An Adjective/Adverb," and "As An Interjection."

Included, amongst many others, are a number of Quentin Tarantino's films, some Coen Brothers' films, and a lot of Joe Pesci. Enjoy!